var canwork = 1; var opened_popups = new Array(); /** * This function is wrapper for window.popup. Use it to check if popups are blocked in a browser * and show warning message. After popup window is focused. * * Parameters are equal original window.popup function. * */ function windowOpen(URL, name, specs, replace) { var popupWindow =, name, specs, replace); if (popupWindow == null) alert("Please disable pop-up blocker for actiTIME.") else popupWindow.focus(); } function popup(url, name, width, height, menubar, toolbar, returnWindow, toAddToOpenedPopups) { if (canwork) { canwork = 0; if (!name) name ="windowedPopup"; if (!height) height = 500; if (!width) width = 830; if (!menubar) menubar = "no"; if (!toolbar) toolbar = "no"; if (name != 'windowedPopup') { eval('if (window.' + name + ' && !window.' + name + '.closed) ' + name + '.close();'); } var w = null; try { w =, name, "directories=no,height=" + height + ",width=" + width + ",location=no,menubar=" + menubar + ",resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=" + toolbar); if (w == null) { alert("Please disable pop-up blocker for actiTIME."); return; } w.focus(); if (typeof toAddToOpenedPopups == typeof undefined || // if parameter is not specified toAddToOpenedPopups) { // or specified and has value 'true' addPopup(w); } } catch (e) { // Can be thrown when user works offline. } canwork = 1; if (returnWindow && w != null) return w; } } /* * Ads the specified pop-up window to opened pop-up windows collection to close them by closeAllOpenedPopups() function * on document unloading. * * @param popupWindow - the pop-up to add. */ function addPopup(popupWindow) { opened_popups[opened_popups.length] = popupWindow; } /* * Closes all opened pop-up windows added to opened_popups collection by addPopup(popupWindow) function. This function * should be called by onload handler of the document body. */ function closeAllOpenedPopups() { for (var i = 0; i < opened_popups.length; i++) { var popupWindow = opened_popups[i]; if (!popupWindow.closed) { popupWindow.close(); } } } function show_in_main_window( messageKey ) { if (window.opener &&'windowedPopup') >= 0) { var location = window.location.href; if (messageKey != null) location = addRequestParams(window.location.href, "e=".concat( messageKey )); window.opener.location.href = location; window.opener.focus(); window.close(); } } /* * Adds the specified params (string like 'param1=value1¶m2=value2... etc.') to the specified URL. */ function addRequestParams(url, paramsStr) { var result = url; if (url.indexOf("?") >= 0) { result = result.concat("&"); } else { result = result.concat("?"); } return result.concat(paramsStr); } function notEmpty(obj, msg) { if ( trim(obj.value).length > 0 ) { if ( msg && msg != '') { alert(msg) obj.focus(); } return false; } return true; } // Select/unselect checkboxes list // form - form object // name - checkboxes name // state - true/false function setCheckboxesState(form, name, state) { for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { if (form.elements[i].type == "checkbox" && form.elements[i] != -1) { form.elements[i].checked = state; } } } // Select/unselect options in multiple select // s - select object // state - true/false function setOptionsState(s, state) { for (var i = 0; i < s.options.length; i++) { s.options[i].selected = state; } } // Get selected value from a selector object function getVal(el) { if (el.type == "select-one") if(el.selectedIndex != undefined) return parseInt(el.options[el.selectedIndex].value, 10); else // Opera 6.x return parseInt(el.options[el.value].value, 10); else return parseInt(el.value, 10); } function isEmailValid(email){ // Split email into domain and local parts var index = email.indexOf('@'); var localPart = email.substring(0, index); var domain = email.substr(index + 1); // Pattern to match var pattern = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*$/; var lastDotPos = domain.lastIndexOf('.'); // Find position of last dot in domain part // Check if local part matches pattern, if there is a dot and number of characters after last dot // is between 2 and 4 and finally check whether domain part matches pattern return pattern.test(localPart) && (lastDotPos >= 1) && (domain.length - lastDotPos <= 5) && (domain.length - lastDotPos >= 3) && pattern.test(domain); } function isNotEmpty(str) { return trim(str).length > 0; } // checks form field and shows alert in case of error // validationFunc - pointer to a string that gives one // string parameter and returns true in case of valid // value else false function checkField(field, msg, validationFunc) { eval("var isValid = " + validationFunc + "(field.value)"); if (isValid) return true; alert(msg); field.focus(); return false; } // Function trims specified value function trim(str) { str = String(str); if (str == "") return str; var whitespace = ' \n\r\t\f\x0b\xa0\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u200b\u2028\u2029\u3000'; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) === -1) { str = str.substring(i); break; } } for (i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(i)) === -1) { str = str.substring(0, i + 1); break; } } return whitespace.indexOf(str.charAt(0)) === -1 ? str : ''; } // Function normalizes specified string function normalize(str) { var re = /\s{2,}/; while (re.test(str)) { str = str.replace(re, " "); } return str; } // Function trims all text form fields function trimAllTextFields(f) { for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { if (f.elements[i].type == 'text') { f.elements[i].value = trim(f.elements[i].value); } } } // Function normalizes all text form fields function normalizeAllTextFields(f) { for (var i = 0; i < f.length; i++) { if (f.elements[i].type == 'text') { f.elements[i].value = normalize(f.elements[i].value); } } } // Function normalizes specified string function toUnixLineFeeds(str) { return str.replace(/\r/g, ''); } function shiftTo(obj, x, y, isOriginAtBottom) { var units = (typeof == "string") ? "px" : 0; = x + units; if (isOriginAtBottom) { = y - getObjectHeight( + units; } else = y + units; } function isMSIE() { return ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) && !window.opera); } function isMSIE6() { return (/MSIE\s6/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera); } function calculateCoords(event) { var targetEl = event.srcElement; if (!targetEl) targetEl =; return calculateObjectCoords(targetEl); } function calculateObjectCoords(obj) { return {x:findPosX(obj), y:findPosY(obj)}; } function findPosX(obj) { var curleft = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.x) curleft += obj.x; return curleft; } function findPosY(obj) { var curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if (obj.y) curtop += obj.y; return curtop; } function getViewport() { return { leftUpperCorner : { x:document.body.scrollLeft, y:document.body.scrollTop }, rightBottomCorner : { x:document.body.scrollLeft + document.body.clientWidth, y:document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight } } } function scrollToElementIfNeeded ( element ) { var leftUpperCorner = { x:findPosX(element), y:findPosY(element) }; var rightBottomCorner = { x:findPosX(element) + element.clientWidth, y:findPosY(element) + element.clientHeight }; var viewport = getViewport(); var viewportLeftUpperCorner = viewport.leftUpperCorner; var viewportRightBottomCorner = viewport.rightBottomCorner; var spacing = document.body.clientHeight/3; //to create a space between element and window border var scrollY = 0; if ( rightBottomCorner.y > viewportRightBottomCorner.y ) scrollY = rightBottomCorner.y + spacing - ( viewportRightBottomCorner.y ); else if ( leftUpperCorner.y < viewportLeftUpperCorner.y ) scrollY = leftUpperCorner.y - (viewportLeftUpperCorner.y + spacing); if ( scrollY != 0 ) window.scrollBy( 0, scrollY ); } function scrollWindowIfNeeded(object, alignRight) { var leftUpperCorner = { x:object.offsetLeft, y:object.offsetTop }; var rightBottomCorner = { x:object.offsetLeft + object.clientWidth, y:object.offsetTop + object.clientHeight }; var viewport = getViewport(); var viewportLeftUpperCorner = viewport.leftUpperCorner; var viewportRightBottomCorner = viewport.rightBottomCorner; var scrollX = 0; if (leftUpperCorner.x < viewportLeftUpperCorner.x) { scrollX = leftUpperCorner.x - viewportLeftUpperCorner.x; } else if (alignRight && rightBottomCorner.x > viewportRightBottomCorner.x) { scrollX = rightBottomCorner.x - viewportRightBottomCorner.x } var scrollY = 0; if (rightBottomCorner.y > viewportRightBottomCorner.y) scrollY = rightBottomCorner.y - viewportRightBottomCorner.y; if (scrollX != 0 || scrollY != 0) { /*alert("VIEWPORT\ntop-left.x = " + viewportLeftUpperCorner.x + ", top-left.y = " + viewportLeftUpperCorner.y + "; bottom-right.x = " + viewportRightBottomCorner.x + ", bottom-right.y = " + viewportRightBottomCorner.y + "\n\n" + "object\ntop-left.x = " + leftUpperCorner.x + ", top-left.y = " + leftUpperCorner.y + "; bottom-right.x = " + rightBottomCorner.x + ", bottom-right.y = " + rightBottomCorner.y + "\n\n" + "SCROLL BY\nscrollX = " + scrollX + ", scrollY = " + scrollY);*/ window.scrollBy(scrollX, scrollY); } } /* * Unifies new line symbol in the specified string. It is needed for unified string length determining in various * browsers, because in some browser (e.g. IE) new line symbol is '\r\n', but in others (e.g. Firefox) new line symbol * is '\n'. Because of these differences length of a string can vary in various browsers. To avoid differences this * function should be called before a string length determining. * * @param str a string where new line symbol should be unified. * @return string with unified new line symbol. */ function getStringWithUnifiedNewLineSymbol(str) { return str.replace(/(\r?\n)|(\r\n?)/g, '\r\n'); } function showElement(element) { = "block"; } function hideElement(element) { = "none"; } function showElementById(id) { showElement(document.getElementById(id)); } function hideElementById(id) { hideElement(document.getElementById(id)); } /* * Shows moire. If user's browser is IE, all drop-downs under moire are replaced by input fields with appropriate text * (by text areas in case of multiple selects). Also if user's browser is IE, iframe with alpha channel is placed under * moire to imitate transparency. */ function showMoire(moireDivId, containerDivId, moireIframeId) { var moire = document.getElementById(moireDivId); if (moire) { shiftTo(moire, 0, 0); var moireIframe = document.getElementById(moireIframeId); var muarImg = moire.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; showElement(moire); if (isMSIE()) { shiftTo(moireIframe, 0, 0); = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=0)'; showElement(moireIframe); hideElement(muarImg); moire.runtimeStyle.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + muarImg.src + "',sizingMethod='scale')"; moireHelper.hidePageSelects(); } else { showElement(muarImg); } var windowResizeHandler = function() { resizeMoire(moire, containerDivId, moireIframe, muarImg); moireHelper.extinguishEnterTTCalendarWeek(); }; moireHelper.setWindowResizeHandler(windowResizeHandler); windowResizeHandler(); } } function refreshMoireAfterResizing(moireDivId, containerDivId, moireIframeId) { var moire = document.getElementById(moireDivId); if (moire) { var moireIframe = document.getElementById(moireIframeId); var muarImg = moire.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; resizeMoire(moire, containerDivId, moireIframe, muarImg); } } /* * Resizes the specified moire according to sizes of the container with the specified containerDivId. If user's browser * is IE the specified moireIframe is resized too otherwise the specified muarImg is resized according to moire sizes. */ function resizeMoire(moire, containerDivId, moireIframe, muarImg) { var clientWindowSizes = getClientSize(); var container = document.getElementById(containerDivId); setMoireSize(moire, moireIframe, muarImg, (container) ? getObjectWidth(containerDivId) : clientWindowSizes[0], (container) ? Math.max(getObjectHeight(containerDivId), clientWindowSizes[1]) : clientWindowSizes[1]); if (!(moireHelper.isIE || (moireHelper.isOpera && moireHelper.browserVersion <= 8)) && document.body.scrollWidth) { setMoireSize(moire, moireIframe, muarImg, document.body.scrollWidth, document.body.scrollHeight); } } /* * Sets the specified widht and height of the specified moire and moireIframe (if user's browser is IE) or muarImg (if * user's browser is not IE). */ function setMoireSize(moire, moireIframe, muarImg, width, height) { = width; = height; if (isMSIE()) { = width; = height; } else { = width; = height; } } /* * Hides moire having the specified moireDivId. If user's browser is IE moireIframeId should be specified too to hide it. * Also if user's browser is IE, all drop-downs under moire are shown again and text fields (text areas) are hided. */ function hideMoire(moireDivId, moireIframeId) { var moire = document.getElementById(moireDivId); if (moire) { hideElement(moire); if (document.all) { var moireIframe = document.getElementById(moireIframeId); hideElement(moireIframe); } } var muarImg = moire.getElementsByTagName("img")[0]; if (muarImg) hideElement(muarImg); if (moireHelper.isIE) { moireHelper.showPageSelects(); } moireHelper.restoreWindowResizeHandler(); moireHelper.extinguishEnterTTCalendarWeek(); } /* * Determines whether keyboard button having the specified keyCode has been pressed or not. * * @return true if keyboard button having the specified keyCode has been pressed and false otherwise. */ function isKeyPressed(keyCode, evt) { var eventObj = getEventObj(evt); if (eventObj != null && eventObj.keyCode == keyCode) { if (document.all && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") == -1) { eventObj.returnValue = false; } else { eventObj.preventDefault(); } return true; } return false; } /* * Determines whether TAB keyboard button has been pressed or not. * * @return true if TAB has been pressed and false otherwise. */ function isTabPressed(evt) { return isKeyPressed(9, evt); } /* * Calls the specified handler if TAB keyboard button has been pressed. */ function handleTab(tabHandler, evt) { if (isTabPressed(evt)) { tabHandler(); } } /* * Determines whether ESC keyboard button has been pressed or not. * * @return true if ESC has been pressed and false otherwise. */ function isEscapePressed(evt) { return isKeyPressed(27, evt); } /* * Calls the specified handler if ESC keyboard button has been pressed. */ function handleEscape(escHandler, evt) { if (isEscapePressed(evt)) { escHandler(); } } /* * Determines whether ENTER keyboard button has been pressed or not. * * @return true if ENTER has been pressed and false otherwise. */ function isEnterPressed(evt) { return isKeyPressed(13, evt); } /* * Calls the specified handler if ENTER keyboard button has been pressed. */ function handleEnter(enterHandler, evt) { if (isEnterPressed(evt)) { enterHandler(); } } // return client size function getClientSize() { // window scroll factors var scrollX = 0, scrollY = 0; if (document.body && typeof document.body.scrollTop != undefined) { scrollX += document.body.scrollLeft; scrollY += document.body.scrollTop; if (document.body.parentNode && typeof document.body.parentNode.scrollTop != undefined) { scrollX += document.body.parentNode.scrollLeft; scrollY += document.body.parentNode.scrollTop; } } else if (typeof window.pageXOffset != undefined) { scrollX += window.pageXOffset; scrollY += window.pageYOffset; } return new Array(getInsideWindowWidth() + scrollX, getInsideWindowHeight() + scrollY); } // Retrieve the rendered width of an element function getObjectWidth(objId) { var elem = document.getElementById(objId); var result = 0; if (elem.offsetWidth) { result = elem.offsetWidth; } else if (elem.clip && elem.clip.width) { result = elem.clip.width; } else if ( && { result =; } return parseInt(result, 10); } // Retrieve the rendered height of an element function getObjectHeight(obj_id) { var elem = document.getElementById(obj_id); var result = 0; if (elem.offsetHeight) { result = elem.offsetHeight; } else if (elem.clip && elem.clip.height) { result = elem.clip.height; } else if ( && { result =; } return parseInt(result, 10); } // Return the available content width space in browser window // Note: under Firefox, Safari & Opera the scroller width will be included. function getInsideWindowWidth( ) { if (window.innerWidth) { return window.innerWidth; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientWidth ) ) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' return document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) { return document.body.clientWidth; } else if (document.body && document.body.parentElement) { return document.body.parentElement.clientWidth; } return 0; } // Return the available content height space in browser window // Note: under Safari & Opera the scroller height will be included. function getInsideWindowHeight( ) { if (window.innerHeight) { return window.innerHeight; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) { //IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode' return document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body && document.body.clientHeight) { return document.body.clientHeight; } else if (document.body && document.body.parentElement) { // measure the html element's clientHeight return document.body.parentElement.clientHeight; } return 0; } function getEventObj(evt) { var eventObj = null; if (typeof evt != typeof undefined && evt != null) { eventObj = evt; } else if (typeof event != typeof undefined && event != null) { eventObj = event; } return eventObj; } /* * RegExp for replacing spaces by   escape sequence. */ MoireHelper.prototype.spacesRegExp = new RegExp(" ", "g"); /* * The user browser name. */ MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // browser engine name MoireHelper.prototype.isGecko = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('gecko') != -1 && MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('safari') == -1); MoireHelper.prototype.isAppleWebKit = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('applewebkit') != -1); // browser name MoireHelper.prototype.isKonqueror = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('konqueror') != -1); MoireHelper.prototype.isSafari = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('safari') != - 1); MoireHelper.prototype.isOmniweb = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('omniweb') != - 1); MoireHelper.prototype.isOpera = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('opera') != -1); MoireHelper.prototype.isIcab = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('icab') != -1); MoireHelper.prototype.isAol = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('aol') != -1); MoireHelper.prototype.isIE = (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1 && !MoireHelper.prototype.isOpera && (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('webtv') == -1) ); MoireHelper.prototype.isFirefox = (MoireHelper.prototype.isGecko && MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('firefox') != -1); MoireHelper.prototype.isNS = ((MoireHelper.prototype.isGecko) ? (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('netscape') != -1) : ( (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && !MoireHelper.prototype.isOpera && !MoireHelper.prototype.isSafari && (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('spoofer') == -1) && (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('webtv') == -1) && (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('hotjava') == -1) )); MoireHelper.prototype.isMozilla = (MoireHelper.prototype.isGecko && !MoireHelper.prototype.isFirefox && !MoireHelper.prototype.isNS); // spoofing and compatible browsers MoireHelper.prototype.isIECompatible = ( (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('msie') != -1) && !MoireHelper.prototype.isIE); MoireHelper.prototype.isNSCompatible = ( (MoireHelper.prototype.userAgent.indexOf('mozilla') != -1) && !MoireHelper.prototype.isNS && !MoireHelper.prototype.isMozilla); // browser version MoireHelper.prototype.browserVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); /* * MoireHelper is intended for doing some preparatory actions before moire showing. */ function MoireHelper() { /****************************************** BEGIN PROPERTIES ******************************************/ /* * All select controls of page. */ this.pageSelects = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].getElementsByTagName("select"); /* * Collection of elements to show insted of {@link #pageSelects} under moire. */ this.controlsInsteadOfSelects = new Array(); /* * Window resize handler set before replacing by {@link #setWindowResizeHandler}. */ this.previousWindowResizeHandler = window.onresize; /* * Flag to determine whether window resize handler was modified or not. */ this.windowResizeHandlerChanged = false; /****************************************** END PROPERTIES ******************************************/ /****************************************** BEGIN PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************/ /* * Hides page selects controls showing appropriate controls from {@link #controlsInsteadOfSelects} collection. To * show hided selects {@link #showPageSelects} should be used. */ this.hidePageSelects = function() { this.fillControlsInsteadOfSelectsArray(); for (var i = 0; i < this.pageSelects.length; i++) { var currentSelectScrollTop = this.pageSelects[i].scrollTop; hideElement(this.pageSelects[i]); this.showElement(this.controlsInsteadOfSelects[i]); this.controlsInsteadOfSelects[i].scrollTop = currentSelectScrollTop; } } /* * Hides controls displayed by {@link #hidePageSelects} and shows hidden page selects. */ this.showPageSelects = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.pageSelects.length; i++) { hideElement(this.controlsInsteadOfSelects[i]); this.showElement(this.pageSelects[i]); } } /* * Replaces window resize handler by the specified one. Old handler can be restored later by calling * {@link #restoreWindowResizeHandler}. */ this.setWindowResizeHandler = function(handler) { if (typeof handler != typeof undefined && handler != null) { this.previousWindowResizeHandler = window.onresize; window.onresize = handler; this.windowResizeHandlerChanged = true; } } /* * Restores window resize handler replaced by {@link #setWindowResizeHandler}. If {@link #setWindowResizeHandler} * has not been called before nothing happens. */ this.restoreWindowResizeHandler = function() { if (this.windowResizeHandlerChanged) { window.onresize = this.previousWindowResizeHandler; this.windowResizeHandlerChanged = false; } } /* * Hides border around a week in the calendar on the Enter TT page (if do not do it the border floats when window is * resized). Also this method prevents the border showing after moire hiding. */ this.extinguishEnterTTCalendarWeek = function() { if (typeof Calendar_calendarTableOut != typeof undefined) { Calendar_calendarTableOut(); } } /****************************************** END PUBLIC METHODS ******************************************/ /****************************************** BEGIN PRIVATE METHODS ******************************************/ /* * Displays the specified element as "inline" element of the page. */ this.showElement = function(element) { = "inline"; } /* * Fills {@link #controlsInsteadOfSelects} by elements created instead of selects controls. Instead of one-row * selects text inputs are created, instead of multiple-row selects text areas are created. If there is no selects * controls on the page nothing is happen. Created elements are appended to selects parent nodes, so select controls * should be isolated from other HTML-code in some containers (DIV, table TD). */ this.fillControlsInsteadOfSelectsArray = function() { this.controlsInsteadOfSelects = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < this.pageSelects.length; i++) { var select = this.pageSelects[i]; var controlInsteadOfSelect = null; var defaultClassName = ""; if (!select.multiple) { controlInsteadOfSelect = this.createTextFieldFromSelect(select); defaultClassName = "textInputInsteadOfMultipleSelect"; } else { controlInsteadOfSelect = this.createTextAreaFromSelect(select); defaultClassName = "textAreaInsteadOfMultipleSelect"; } this.setControlInsteadOfSelectProperties(select, controlInsteadOfSelect, defaultClassName); this.appendControlInsteadOfSelect(controlInsteadOfSelect); select.parentNode.appendChild(controlInsteadOfSelect); } } /* * Creates text input field instead of the specified select. Created text field has style properties of the * specified select control and its style property display is "none". */ this.createTextFieldFromSelect = function(selectObj) { var textField = document.createElement("input"); textField.type = "text"; if (selectObj.selectedIndex >= 0) textField.value = selectObj.options[selectObj.selectedIndex].text; return textField; } /* * Creates text area instead of the specified select. Created text area has style properties of the specified * select control and its style property display is "none". */ this.createTextAreaFromSelect = function(multipleSelectObj) { var textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); if (multipleSelectObj.size > 0) textArea.rows = multipleSelectObj.size; this.setTextAreaValueFromSelect(multipleSelectObj, textArea); return textArea; } /* * Sets text of the specified textarea using options text of the specified select control object. */ this.setTextAreaValueFromSelect = function(multipleSelectObj, textArea) { var multipleSelectOptions = multipleSelectObj.options; var multipleSelectOptionsText = ""; for (var i = 0; i < multipleSelectOptions.length; i++) { multipleSelectOptionsText += multipleSelectOptions[i].text; multipleSelectOptionsText += "\n"; } if (this.isFirefox) { // it is needed to no wrap rows in Firefox textArea.innerHTML = multipleSelectOptionsText .substr(0, multipleSelectOptionsText.length - 1) .replace(this.spacesRegExp, " "); } else { textArea.value = multipleSelectOptionsText.substr(0, multipleSelectOptionsText.length - 1); } } /* * Copies style and some JavaScript properties of the specified select control to the specified control used for * showing under moire. "Display" style property the specified control used for showing under moire is set to "none". */ this.setControlInsteadOfSelectProperties = function(selectObj, controlInsteadOfSelectObj, defaultClassName) { this.copyStyleProperties(,; this.copyJsProperties(selectObj, controlInsteadOfSelectObj, defaultClassName); = "none"; = "auto"; // to show text area without scrolling if there is no scrolling in appropriate select control (works only in IE) if (this.isIE) { // without this setting fields under moire are shifted so page "floats" (in IE). = = "-1px"; } if (this.isOpera) { = "140%"; } controlInsteadOfSelectObj.readOnly = true; // Disabling of keys pressing on the control under moire controlInsteadOfSelectObj.onkeyup = function(evt) { var eventObj = null; if (typeof evt != typeof undefined && evt != null) { eventObj = evt; } else if (typeof event != typeof undefined && event != null) { eventObj = event; } eventObj.cancelBubble = true; return false; }; } /* * Copies propeties of fromStyleObj style to toStyleObj style. */ this.copyStyleProperties = function(fromStyleObj, toStyleObj) { toStyleObj.background = fromStyleObj.background; toStyleObj.accelerator = fromStyleObj.accelerator; toStyleObj.background = fromStyleObj.background; toStyleObj.backgroundAttachment = fromStyleObj.backgroundAttachment; toStyleObj.backgroundColor = fromStyleObj.backgroundColor; toStyleObj.backgroundImage = fromStyleObj.backgroundImage; toStyleObj.backgroundPosition = fromStyleObj.backgroundPosition; toStyleObj.backgroundPositionX = fromStyleObj.backgroundPositionX; toStyleObj.backgroundPositionY = fromStyleObj.backgroundPositionY; toStyleObj.backgroundRepeat = fromStyleObj.backgroundRepeat; toStyleObj.behavior = fromStyleObj.behavior; toStyleObj.border = fromStyleObj.border; toStyleObj.borderBottom = fromStyleObj.borderBottom; toStyleObj.borderBottomColor = fromStyleObj.borderBottomColor; toStyleObj.borderBottomStyle = fromStyleObj.borderBottomStyle; toStyleObj.borderBottomWidth = fromStyleObj.borderBottomWidth; toStyleObj.borderCollapse = fromStyleObj.borderCollapse; toStyleObj.borderColor = fromStyleObj.borderColor; toStyleObj.borderLeft = fromStyleObj.borderLeft; toStyleObj.borderLeftColor = fromStyleObj.borderLeftColor; toStyleObj.borderLeftStyle = fromStyleObj.borderLeftStyle; toStyleObj.borderLeftWidth = fromStyleObj.borderLeftWidth; toStyleObj.borderRight = fromStyleObj.borderRight; toStyleObj.borderRightColor = fromStyleObj.borderRightColor; toStyleObj.borderRightStyle = fromStyleObj.borderRightStyle; toStyleObj.borderRightWidth = fromStyleObj.borderRightWidth; toStyleObj.borderStyle = fromStyleObj.borderStyle; toStyleObj.borderTop = fromStyleObj.borderTop; toStyleObj.borderTopColor = fromStyleObj.borderTopColor; toStyleObj.borderTopStyle = fromStyleObj.borderTopStyle; toStyleObj.borderTopWidth = fromStyleObj.borderTopWidth; toStyleObj.borderWidth = fromStyleObj.borderWidth; toStyleObj.bottom = fromStyleObj.bottom; toStyleObj.clear = fromStyleObj.clear; toStyleObj.clip = fromStyleObj.clip; toStyleObj.color = fromStyleObj.color; toStyleObj.cssText = fromStyleObj.cssText; toStyleObj.cursor = fromStyleObj.cursor; toStyleObj.direction = fromStyleObj.direction; toStyleObj.display = fromStyleObj.display; //toStyleObj.font = fromStyleObj.font; // initiates JavaScript error in IE 6.0 toStyleObj.fontFamily = fromStyleObj.fontFamily; toStyleObj.fontSize = fromStyleObj.fontSize; toStyleObj.fontStyle = fromStyleObj.fontStyle; toStyleObj.fontVariant = fromStyleObj.fontVariant; toStyleObj.fontWeight = fromStyleObj.fontWeight; toStyleObj.height = fromStyleObj.height; toStyleObj.imeMode = fromStyleObj.imeMode; toStyleObj.layoutFlow = fromStyleObj.layoutFlow; toStyleObj.layoutGrid = fromStyleObj.layoutGrid; toStyleObj.layoutGridChar = fromStyleObj.layoutGridChar; toStyleObj.layoutGridLine = fromStyleObj.layoutGridLine; toStyleObj.layoutGridMode = fromStyleObj.layoutGridMode; toStyleObj.layoutGridType = fromStyleObj.layoutGridType; toStyleObj.left = fromStyleObj.left; toStyleObj.letterSpacing = fromStyleObj.letterSpacing; toStyleObj.lineBreak = fromStyleObj.lineBreak; toStyleObj.lineHeight = fromStyleObj.lineHeight; toStyleObj.listStyle = fromStyleObj.listStyle; toStyleObj.listStyleImage = fromStyleObj.listStyleImage; toStyleObj.listStylePosition = fromStyleObj.listStylePosition; toStyleObj.listStyleType = fromStyleObj.listStyleType; toStyleObj.margin = fromStyleObj.margin; toStyleObj.marginBottom = fromStyleObj.marginBottom; toStyleObj.marginLeft = fromStyleObj.marginLeft; toStyleObj.marginRight = fromStyleObj.marginRight; toStyleObj.marginTop = fromStyleObj.marginTop; toStyleObj.maxHeight = fromStyleObj.maxHeight; toStyleObj.maxWidth = fromStyleObj.maxWidth; toStyleObj.minHeight = fromStyleObj.minHeight; toStyleObj.minWidth = fromStyleObj.minWidth; toStyleObj.msInterpolationMode = fromStyleObj.msInterpolationMode; toStyleObj.overflow = fromStyleObj.overflow; toStyleObj.overflowX = fromStyleObj.overflowX; toStyleObj.overflowY = fromStyleObj.overflowY; toStyleObj.padding = fromStyleObj.padding; toStyleObj.paddingBottom = fromStyleObj.paddingBottom; toStyleObj.paddingLeft = fromStyleObj.paddingLeft; toStyleObj.paddingRight = fromStyleObj.paddingRight; toStyleObj.paddingTop = fromStyleObj.paddingTop; toStyleObj.pageBreakAfter = fromStyleObj.pageBreakAfter; toStyleObj.pageBreakBefore = fromStyleObj.pageBreakBefore; toStyleObj.pixelBottom = fromStyleObj.pixelBottom; toStyleObj.pixelHeight = fromStyleObj.pixelHeight; toStyleObj.pixelLeft = fromStyleObj.pixelLeft; toStyleObj.pixelRight = fromStyleObj.pixelRight; toStyleObj.pixelTop = fromStyleObj.pixelTop; toStyleObj.pixelWidth = fromStyleObj.pixelWidth; toStyleObj.posBottom = fromStyleObj.posBottom; toStyleObj.posHeight = fromStyleObj.posHeight; toStyleObj.position = fromStyleObj.position; toStyleObj.posLeft = fromStyleObj.posLeft; toStyleObj.posRight = fromStyleObj.posRight; toStyleObj.posTop = fromStyleObj.posTop; toStyleObj.posWidth = fromStyleObj.posWidth; toStyleObj.right = fromStyleObj.right; toStyleObj.rubyAlign = fromStyleObj.rubyAlign; toStyleObj.rubyOverhang = fromStyleObj.rubyOverhang; toStyleObj.rubyPosition = fromStyleObj.rubyPosition; toStyleObj.scrollbar3dLightColor = fromStyleObj.scrollbar3dLightColor; toStyleObj.scrollbarArrowColor = fromStyleObj.scrollbarArrowColor; toStyleObj.scrollbarBaseColor = fromStyleObj.scrollbarBaseColor; toStyleObj.scrollbarDarkShadowColor = fromStyleObj.scrollbarDarkShadowColor; toStyleObj.scrollbarFaceColor = fromStyleObj.scrollbarFaceColor; toStyleObj.scrollbarHighlightColor = fromStyleObj.scrollbarHighlightColor; toStyleObj.scrollbarShadowColor = fromStyleObj.scrollbarShadowColor; toStyleObj.scrollbarTrackColor = fromStyleObj.scrollbarTrackColor; toStyleObj.styleFloat = fromStyleObj.styleFloat; toStyleObj.tableLayout = fromStyleObj.tableLayout; toStyleObj.textAlign = fromStyleObj.textAlign; toStyleObj.textAlignLast = fromStyleObj.textAlignLast; toStyleObj.textAutospace = fromStyleObj.textAutospace; toStyleObj.textDecoration = fromStyleObj.textDecoration; toStyleObj.textDecorationBlink = fromStyleObj.textDecorationBlink; toStyleObj.textDecorationLineThrough = fromStyleObj.textDecorationLineThrough; toStyleObj.textDecorationNone = fromStyleObj.textDecorationNone; toStyleObj.textDecorationOverline = fromStyleObj.textDecorationOverline; toStyleObj.textDecorationUnderline = fromStyleObj.textDecorationUnderline; toStyleObj.textIndent = fromStyleObj.textIndent; toStyleObj.textJustify = fromStyleObj.textJustify; toStyleObj.textKashidaSpace = fromStyleObj.textKashidaSpace; toStyleObj.textOverflow = fromStyleObj.textOverflow; toStyleObj.textTransform = fromStyleObj.textTransform; toStyleObj.textUnderlinePosition = fromStyleObj.textUnderlinePosition; =; toStyleObj.unicodeBidi = fromStyleObj.unicodeBidi; toStyleObj.verticalAlign = fromStyleObj.verticalAlign; toStyleObj.visibility = fromStyleObj.visibility; toStyleObj.whiteSpace = fromStyleObj.whiteSpace; toStyleObj.width = fromStyleObj.width; toStyleObj.wordBreak = fromStyleObj.wordBreak; toStyleObj.wordSpacing = fromStyleObj.wordSpacing; toStyleObj.wordWrap = fromStyleObj.wordWrap; toStyleObj.writingMode = fromStyleObj.writingMode; toStyleObj.zIndex = fromStyleObj.zIndex; toStyleObj.zoom = fromStyleObj.zoom; } /* * Copies some JavaScript properties fromObj object to toObj object. If the specified project to copy properties * from has no CSS class name the specified defaultClassName is set for toObj. */ this.copyJsProperties = function(fromObj, toObj, defaultClassName) { if (isNotEmpty(fromObj.className)) { toObj.className = fromObj.className; } else { toObj.className = defaultClassName; } = fromObj.offsetWidth; = fromObj.offsetHeight; } /* * Appends the specified control to {@link controlsInsteadOfSelects}. */ this.appendControlInsteadOfSelect = function(controlInsteadOfSelect) { this.controlsInsteadOfSelects[this.controlsInsteadOfSelects.length] = controlInsteadOfSelect; } /****************************************** END PRIVATE METHODS ******************************************/ } /* * ImagePreloader is intended for the specified images preloading. It is needed for seeing them without visible waiting. * After images loading callback function is called (if it is specified). * * @param images - array of image file names. * @param callback - JavaScript function to call after images loading. * @see - */ function ImagePreloader(images, callback) { // store the callback this.callback = callback; // initialize internal state. this.nLoaded = 0; this.nProcessed = 0; this.aImages = new Array(); // record the number of images. this.nImages = images.length; // for each image, call preload() for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { this.preload(images[i]); } } ImagePreloader.prototype.preload = function(image) { // create new Image object and add to array var oImage = new Image(); this.aImages.push(oImage); // set up event handlers for the Image object oImage.onload = ImagePreloader.prototype.onload; oImage.onerror = ImagePreloader.prototype.onerror; oImage.onabort = ImagePreloader.prototype.onabort; // assign pointer back to this. oImage.oImagePreloader = this; oImage.bLoaded = false; // assign the .src property of the Image object oImage.src = image; } ImagePreloader.prototype.onComplete = function() { this.nProcessed++; if (this.nProcessed == this.nImages && typeof this.callback != typeof undefined && this.callback != null) { this.callback(this.aImages, this.nLoaded); } } ImagePreloader.prototype.onload = function() { this.bLoaded = true; this.oImagePreloader.nLoaded++; this.oImagePreloader.onComplete(); } ImagePreloader.prototype.onerror = function() { this.bError = true; this.oImagePreloader.onComplete(); } ImagePreloader.prototype.onabort = function() { this.bAbort = true; this.oImagePreloader.onComplete(); } // disables text selection in the specified element in IE and FF function disableTextSelection(element) { element.onselectstart = function() { return false; }; element.ondragstart = function() { return false; }; element.unselectable = "on"; = "none"; = "default"; } function spentTimeIsInvalid(spentTime) { return spentTime == null || spentTime < 0; } function leadZero(n) { if(n < 10) return '0' + n; else return '' + n; } function areCookiesEnabled() { document.cookie="cookies=true"; return document.cookie ? true : false; } /** * Determines which mouse button was pressed. * @param event - the event object from the onmousedown event handler (it may work in some other events, too) */ function whichButtonPressed(event) { if (event.which == null) /* IE case */ return (event.button < 2) ? "left" : ((event.button == 4) ? "middle" : "right"); else /* All others */ return (event.which < 2) ? "left" : ((event.which == 2) ? "middle" : "right"); } function setElementInnerHTML(elementId, html) { document.getElementById(elementId).innerHTML = html; } /** * @param buttonGroup - radio button group * @return the array number of the selected radio button or -1 if no button is selected */ function getSelectedRadio(buttonGroup) { if (buttonGroup[0]) { // if the button group is an array (one button is not an array) for (var i=0; i innerWidth || height > innerHeight) resizeWindow(width, height); } /** * Resizes the browser window to fit specified size of the content * Note: actual size of the window depends on browser and its settings */ function resizeWindow(width, height) { //when possible it's better to calculate real window size then to resize twice window.resizeTo(getCorrectedWidth(width), getCorrectedHeight(height)); //if we didn't get the expected result after the first resizing //we can calculate the difference and resize again (IE) var newWidth = getInsideWindowWidth(); var newHeight = getInsideWindowHeight(); if (width != newWidth, height != newHeight) window.resizeTo(width + (width - newWidth), height + (height - newHeight)); } /** * Resizes the browser window using {@link #adaptiveWindowResize} function * after the page is loaded. For the parameters description see {@link #adaptiveWindowResize} */ function adaptiveResizeAfterLoad(width, height) { var callback = function() { adaptiveWindowResize(width, height); }; addListener(window, "load", callback); } /** * Makes browser show a confirmation message before any navigation when * isConfirmationOnUnloadRequired() == true * @param message confirmation message that will be shown when user would try to close the popup or navigate to another page * @param isConfirmationOnUnloadRequired a callback method that must always return true when we need to show confirmation before any navigation and false otherwise */ function setUpExitConfirmation(message, isConfirmationOnUnloadRequired) { var confirmationEnabled = true; var confirmExit = function() { if (confirmationEnabled && isConfirmationOnUnloadRequired()) { return message; } }; var disableConfirmation= function() { confirmationEnabled = false; }; window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit; //after a navigation in the parent window it would try to close all the popups //opened from it. In this case popups shall be closed without any confirmations /* TODO: * the call of the EventListener causes an error in FF7 if parent window needs to be reload after popup is closed. * confirmationEnabled and disableConfirmation should be moved outside of this function in order to allow to * remove EventListener from parent window before popup closes. This is required, because to remove EventListener * you need to specify the same function you setup as a listener * For more information refers to Bug 33983: FF7: JS error when Edit Open Task or Create New Tasks pop-up is closed */ addListener(window.opener, "beforeunload", disableConfirmation); } /** * Unlike just calling submit() method of a form, it notifies listeners */ function notifyAndSubmit(form) { if (form.fireEvent) //IE { form.fireEvent("onsubmit", event); form.submit(); } else if(form.dispatchEvent) //other browsers { var event = form.ownerDocument.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); event.initEvent("submit", false, true); form.dispatchEvent(event); if (!Event.SUBMIT) //Safari & Chrome form.submit(); } } /** * Makes DOM node invisible and then after timeout removes it */ function removeElementWithTimeout(domElement, timeout) { addClass(domElement, 'invisible'); setTimeout(function() { domElement.parentNode.removeChild(domElement); }, timeout) } /** * Sets focus to the passed DOM element */ function focusElement(elem) { setTimeout(function() { elem.focus(); }) } function isSameOrParentOf(elem, checkElem) { var currentElem = elem; while (currentElem) { if (currentElem == checkElem) return true; currentElem = currentElem.parentNode; } return false; } function hideFocusForLinks( elem ) { var links = elem.getElementsByTagName("a"); var length = links.length; for( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) links[i].hideFocus = true; }